5. Far North – Hukatere to Tapotupotu Bay

19 – 22 October, 2018

The objective of this short excursion north was to round the three Capes (MVD, Reinga and North) in 3 paddle days from Hukatere. The return travel times to the Far North are such a grind that there needed to be some real benefit from making such a short paddle trip.

The prospect of clearing the West coast provided just the incentive.

Splitting the travel days between Friday and Saturday (19 & 20th) presented the option to get half a day paddling AGW.

Sunday (21st) and Monday (22nd) promised good paddle conditions with 1.3m surf conditions, light winds and an ebbing (north flowing) tide through the best part of the day (0800-1400). The plan was to utilise this strong tidal stream with the paddle north from Hukatere, through the Cape Maria van Diemen gap timing our arrival at Cape Reinga at slack tide (1400hrs).

The next day, the same tidal flow would assist with rounding North Cape if the forecast remained favourable. As it turned out I would only get in two paddle days …….. Continue reading “5. Far North – Hukatere to Tapotupotu Bay”

4. Progress North – Glinks Gully to Hukatere

25 – 29 March, 2018

This weeks forecasts showed guaranteed paddle days on Tuesday and Wednesday with surf subsiding from 1.8m on Sunday and Monday to less that 1.0m and calm conditions. From Wednesday the surf would be rising to 1.8m again. However with the week off work we made tracks north in the hope of getting as many days on the water as possible. With two good long paddle days on the cards my hopeful target destination is Shipwreck Bay, Ahipara. I know by now, that although targets are necessary, the obstacles are always dynamic. Every day is so different that you just don’t know where the week will end up. It turned out to be Hukatere this time …….  Continue reading “4. Progress North – Glinks Gully to Hukatere”

3. The Mighty Kaipara

12  –  15  February, 2018

This weeks forecasts looked good with paddleable days most of the week. The main objective was to get around the mighty Kaipara Harbour that was jangling my nerves a little as this would be the longest and most challenging paddle yet, in terms of, not only distance, but tidal currents, distance off shore, unknown territory, the notorious breaking bars and not many favourable B options if things didn’t go to plan.

Also, for the first time, Shaz was not going to be with me for most of the week as she returned to work after dropping me off through Rimmers Road access to North Muriwai Beach. This meant that I would be fully self sufficient for the first time. This provided the additional new challenges of significantly increased kayak weight, correct weight distribution and changed handling in the surf, that I had to get to grips with quickly.

Feeling more vulnerable without Shaz watching out for me, I fitted the sail, even though I had dismissed this experiment some time ago. It provided a remote but possible “means of escape” if west coast forecast conditions didn’t eventuate. They did, with a calm rounding of the bar and light afternoon headwinds before calm conditions returned in the evening. Continue reading “3. The Mighty Kaipara”

2. Fledgling – Kiritehere to North Muriwai

16 November  –  01 December, 2017

It now feels that an adventure is unfolding. Planning nights away from home, work and family requires another level of organisation, extended weather forecasting, limited landing opportunities with vehicle access, check point and contingency planning. There is much more of a shared involvement and dependency now, as each leg is a voyage into new territory for both of us. Continue reading “2. Fledgling – Kiritehere to North Muriwai”

1. Baby Steps – Ngamotu Beach to Kiritehere

20 September  –  27 October, 2017

Fortunately this section of the west coast offers many convenient vehicle access points. These first five short day trips in familiar territory were to take advantage of these and serve as a “shake out” period where the learning would be steep in my new (and first) SIK with new skills to hone, nutrition and hydration options to trial, while building some paddle fitness for the inevitable longer paddle days to come. Continue reading “1. Baby Steps – Ngamotu Beach to Kiritehere”