3. The Mighty Kaipara

12  –  15  February, 2018

This weeks forecasts looked good with paddleable days most of the week. The main objective was to get around the mighty Kaipara Harbour that was jangling my nerves a little as this would be the longest and most challenging paddle yet, in terms of, not only distance, but tidal currents, distance off shore, unknown territory, the notorious breaking bars and not many favourable B options if things didn’t go to plan.

Also, for the first time, Shaz was not going to be with me for most of the week as she returned to work after dropping me off through Rimmers Road access to North Muriwai Beach. This meant that I would be fully self sufficient for the first time. This provided the additional new challenges of significantly increased kayak weight, correct weight distribution and changed handling in the surf, that I had to get to grips with quickly.

Feeling more vulnerable without Shaz watching out for me, I fitted the sail, even though I had dismissed this experiment some time ago. It provided a remote but possible “means of escape” if west coast forecast conditions didn’t eventuate. They did, with a calm rounding of the bar and light afternoon headwinds before calm conditions returned in the evening. Continue reading “3. The Mighty Kaipara”

2. Fledgling – Kiritehere to North Muriwai

16 November  –  01 December, 2017

It now feels that an adventure is unfolding. Planning nights away from home, work and family requires another level of organisation, extended weather forecasting, limited landing opportunities with vehicle access, check point and contingency planning. There is much more of a shared involvement and dependency now, as each leg is a voyage into new territory for both of us. Continue reading “2. Fledgling – Kiritehere to North Muriwai”