4. Progress North – Glinks Gully to Hukatere

25 – 29 March, 2018

This weeks forecasts showed guaranteed paddle days on Tuesday and Wednesday with surf subsiding from 1.8m on Sunday and Monday to less that 1.0m and calm conditions. From Wednesday the surf would be rising to 1.8m again. However with the week off work we made tracks north in the hope of getting as many days on the water as possible. With two good long paddle days on the cards my hopeful target destination is Shipwreck Bay, Ahipara. I know by now, that although targets are necessary, the obstacles are always dynamic. Every day is so different that you just don’t know where the week will end up. It turned out to be Hukatere this time …….  Continue reading “4. Progress North – Glinks Gully to Hukatere”